Experts in the job market consider the following resume structure to be the most universal:


Surname, first name, patronymic of the candidate. Usually located at the top of the page in the center. The word "resume", "characteristic" and other titles are not written in the title.

Purpose of Address

What job, position and conditions the candidate is applying for (2-3 lines, but no more than 6).


Dates of entrance and graduation, name of school, specialty and qualification awarded. May inform about awards, underline those studied disciplines, which correspond to candidate's purpose, participation in scientific-research work. Outlined in reverse chronological order, i.e., beginning with the last place of study.

Additional information

Details of additional knowledge and skills relevant to the job, important biographical facts and personal qualities:

  • proficiency in foreign languages ("fluent", "fluent", "read and translate with a dictionary"; however, the latter is not welcome), nowadays young employees must be proficient in a foreign language.
  • computer skills (preferably with an indication of the computer programs used), at least basic system administrator or good user skills are desirable;
  • driver's license and experience in driving (you can specify the type of car and gearbox);
  • information about social activities (these activities are often not welcomed);
  • information about military service and military ranks (especially for men);
  • significant leisure-time hobbies relevant to the job or successes achieved;
  • an indication of willingness to work overtime, undertake long and extended business trips, and change residence;

The resume writers in your state can help you compose your resume.


Specify the exact title of the position you wish to apply for. It should be exactly as stated. Some people write "I would like to get an interesting job that matches my education and work experience and could benefit your company and further its successful development" instead of the position. This kind of wording causes bewilderment in the employer and does not find support. It is clear that the person himself has no idea what exactly he could do and offers the employer to solve the crossword puzzle - to carefully examine the resume and find the right answer, putting it in the "position" column.

Don't list more than one position at once. This will reduce your chances. The employer needs a specialist for a particular position.